How to Set Good Goals


Summer days (in my opinion) are for good books, long walks, freshly-picked berries, and tall glasses of sweet tea on the porch, so I'll keep this post short so you can get back to what matters. :-)

We've come a long way since the first of the year, so I like to think of July as a checkpoint for my personal and business goals and a time to set new goals for my teaching in the Fall. 

Whether you're planning for your private studio or the start of a new choir year, prepare for success by setting accessible, achievable, and action-oriented goals.

Here is my process:

  1. Dream big.

    Find some time to sit and think about what you'd like to see happen this year. Write down a few ideas.

  2. Plan strategically.

    Don't try to do it all at once! Prioritize and set a clear process for change, growth, and incorporating new ideas.

  3. Act.

    When you write your goals, start each one with an action verb.

  4. Make it manageable.

    Think about what you need to do to make each goal happen. Write out 3-4 small action steps for each big goal; these are your monthly goals.

  5. Set deadlines.

    Add your action steps/monthly goals to your calendar. In years past, I've used Wunderlist or Evernote for my daily, weekly, and monthly to-dos—my goals are part of this.

Enjoy these glorious days of summer!