The Joy of Children's Handbell Choirs [Video]

While writing last week's post on how to start a children's handbell choir, I came across a number of practical, helpful videos on YouTube.

These videos show real children of all ages in real churches playing (colored) handbells in worship and at special church events. In addition to being completely adorable, I found them to be incredibly inspiring and motivating.

And did I mention, helpful?

Here's why:

The brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text (source). In addition, more than 65% of us are visual learners (source). But that's just images.

Researchers estimate that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words (source). Crazy, right?

So, today, I thought I'd supplement my last post by sharing a collection of videos that show the ins and outs of children's handbell choirs.

Click through the slides below to get started. Enjoy! 

I’d love to hear from you:

Which video is your favorite? Do you prefer the melody- or chord-style of playing?

Related posts:
How to Start a Children's Handbell Choir
25 Ways for Children to Participate in Worship
Improvisation Activities for Handbells