Letter From the Editor: Do You Hear What I Hear?

December 2018

Do you hear what I hear?

It’s true in any good conversation, whether we’re gathered around the dinner table or the table in the conference room; sitting in the living room for book club or a committee meeting: you talk and then you listen. You take turns. It seems simple enough, right?

But so often, we find ourselves focused on what we’re going to say next. We fixate on sharing our own ideas and opinions, offering the *best* solution, and planning what we’re going to say and how to say it, like we’re being interviewed.

In doing so, we sometimes miss it: the thing that person is really trying to say, the story behind the story, the part of themselves they don’t often show.

What if, instead of focusing on what we’re going to say next, we focused on listening - giving our full attention to the other person, hearing what they have to say, and taking it all in for a moment?

Do you hear what I hear?

Courage. Curiosity. Fear. Hope. Wonder. 

What if we viewed our conversations as invitations - safe places to talk and listen? A time to hold the other person’s thoughts, ideas, and opinions with open hands, as they do ours: turning them over and around, studying them, looking at them from different angles, trying to understand them, yes, but more-so trying to understand the heart and mind of the person who shared them with us. This is trust. This is respect. This is acceptance.

This week, I’m sharing a post on becoming a better listener - insight into how we interact with each other, what we pay attention to, what we hear, how we listen, and how we can respond with love and grace.

As we journey through this Advent season, let’s practice listening with open hearts and minds, cultivate a willingness and desire to learn about someone else, and work to create safe spaces for others to be seen and heard.

Wishing you a season filled with wonder and joy!

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