teaching group piano online

How to Teach a Virtual Studio Class

How to Teach a Virtual Studio Class

A few years ago, I started teaching monthly group classes in my studio.

The idea was to include more opportunities for informal performance, observation, musical discussion, and developing musicianship skills in a supportive group environment. All students are invited and encouraged to play something each time, even just part of a piece.

This gives us an opportunity to:

  • show works in progress

  • talk about practicing, learning processes, challenges, and rewards

  • give feedback (positive + constructive)

I also plan a few musical games and activities related to listening, movement, creative musicianship, and composition — things we can’t really do in our one-on-one lessons.

This year, I planned to teach five studio classes specifically for 3rd-6th graders, two studio classes for 7th-12th graders, and monthly buddy lessons for my K-2nd grade students.

But what to do when the world shuts down and everything moves online?

Host a Zoom studio class, of course.

Last week, I taught two studio classes (3rd-6th grade and 7th-12th grade) and two buddy lessons (K-2nd grade). Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how I set these up, how I structured our time together, and what activities I created to play virtually.