Goal-Setting for 2014 - Part II


*Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

It's been a great first week of January!  I had a chance to spend some time this week really thinking about my goals for 2014 and planning for what I'd like to see happen.  Here's where I am:

Based on the things I learned in this post (I even added a few things to the list since I published it — take a look!), I decided to choose goals that are a little more broad — lifestyle ideals rather than things to attain or cross off a list.

I want to live a purposeful life this year. I want to spend my time doing things that are meaningful and add value to other people's lives. I want to be intentional about the things that get my time and attention. I want to live a life that reflects peace and joy.

So without further ado, here are my goals for 2014:

Smarter Business

  • Schedule more emails (thanks, Boomerang!)

  • No checking email after dinner

  • Streamline the workflow of my business

  • Start a new mini blog series

  • Read The $100 Startup

Better Teaching

  • Less planning before lessons, more discovery in lessons

  • Set monthly goals for the studio — things to focus on in each lesson

  • Think of ways to send formal communication home to parents at the end of the year

  • Plan a year-end recital


  • Present my research at Eastman

  • Finish my coursework and pass my qualifying exam

  • Teach two workshops

  • Find ways to add value to others through writing or mentoring


  • Take intentional time off on weekends (and times off of social media)

  • Plan adventures and trips with SD

  • Plan 90 minutes of intentional exercise per week

  • Read Margin

  • Write more

  • Create an Artifact Uprising book for our first five years together


January Goals

  • Finish reading Entreleadership and choose a new book

  • Research online invoicing and workflow organization

  • Research and donate to a birthday party mission organization

  • Plan studio goals for January + February

  • Create presentation and materials for my first workshop!

  • Set new budgets + investment plans

This is a work in progress, y'all. I may edit or add to this list as the year progresses but for now, this is where my head and my heart are. Each month, I'll be sharing a few of my more action-oriented goals, to keep me accountable, and to help bring this list into a living reality.

What are your goals for the year? Feel free to post them in the comments below or, if you blog your goals somewhere, please share the link — I'd love to read them!

Here's to a wonderful 2014!