Top 10 Posts of 2014

Happy New Year, y'all! I love this time of the year - looking back, reflecting, dreaming about what the New Year will hold, and making plans to make it happen.

I always love looking back and seeing what your favorite posts were, so this year, I decided to put together a little recap post. Without further ado, here are the top 10 posts of 2014:

1. The Children's Choir Rehearsal
2. Weekly Assignment Sheets
3. Children's Choir Prayers
4. Favorite Anthems for the Small Church Choir
5. Six Ideas for Fall Piano Lessons
6. Building a Successful Children's Choir Program
7. Introducing Doxology Press!
8. Taxes for Freelancers - Part I
9. For the Church Musician: A Planning Worksheet
10. Valentine Composition Project

I see some trends here, but I'd love to hear your thoughts: anything you'd like to see more/less of in the coming months?

Looking forward to another fun year of blogging - thanks so much for reading and being part of the journey!