Summer 2017 Bucket List

*Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Happy summer!

It’s the last week of school here, and the week leading up to Children’s/Youth Sunday and I have my sights set on summer - slow evenings on the patio, trips to the lake, and a good book (or two).

Our summers are relatively short here, so we try to take advantage of every opportunity we can to be outside, enjoying the longer days, (somewhat) slower pace, and beautiful weather while it lasts.

So, I made a list, obviously.

I made a list of all the things we plan to do between now and the end of summer. Some things are big, some are small, but all are things we want to celebrate and savor and enjoy these next few months. So, we're being intentional about planning ahead this year and putting these things on the calendar. :-)

Without further ado, here is my summer bucket list:

Read My Life in France
Go berry-picking
Have dinner out at Cure
Explore the boardwalk
Take Rory to the beach
Try a new recipe for dinner (maybe this one?)
Go hiking in Corbett’s Glen Park
Watch the 4th of July fireworks on Cobb’s Hill
Watch an outdoor movie
Road trip to NC for MWAW
Go to Shakespeare in the Park
Lake house trip
Go to a concert (or two)
Read Simplify
Help plan and organize a neighborhood potluck
Take a cooking class
Have friends over for dinner and drinks on the patio

What about you? What's on your summer bucket list?