choosing hymns for worship

What Makes Something Singable? A Guide for Congregational Singing

What Makes Something Singable? A Guide for Congregational Singing

When we talk about singing, especially singing in a community or congregational setting, we often ask, "Is it singable?"

This simple question may sound arbitrary but there's actually a lot of care and thought that goes into determining the answer.

How to Choose Hymns That Tie Into Worship

How to Choose Hymns That Tie Into Worship

I don’t know about you, but I love taking a look behind the scenes.

Maybe it’s curiosity or intrigue, maybe it’s an interest in learning about other people’s processes, creative approaches, and perspectives on things.

If you’re a church musician or someone who contributes to worship planning, then you’ll love today’s post.

Today, I’m giving you a behind-the-scenes look at how to choose hymns that tie into worship.