Introducing Doxology Press!

Dear friends,

Earlier this summer, I started working on a fun new business venture. I am so excited to finally introduce to you, Doxology Press! This shop is a little piece of my heart - it combines my love of hymns and hymn texts with my love of paper and calligraphy. I designed these prints so that the sweet words of these beautiful old hymns can live on in our hearts and homes.

Ashley Danyew | Doxology Press - Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

I grew up singing hymns in church. At some point, I borrowed a hymnal to play from at home. I taught the parts to my siblings and directed choral and instrumental "rehearsals." I started bringing hymn arrangements into my piano lessons and picked up a few old hymnals with dusty, faded cloth covers at antique stores and book sales.

Ashley Danyew | Doxology Press Praise My Soul_image_2

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

When I was 17, I accepted a position as music director at a small country church in Macon, GA and fell in love with hymns all over again for their theology. Somehow, the power of the text and music combined into something greater and more meaningful than one or the other on their own. And this is something that has stayed with me through the years, in all the churches I have served.

Ashley Danyew | Doxology Press - Holy Holy Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy

I love that when I hear a hymn tune, the words come to mind. And when I read the text for a perennial favorite, such as "Fairest Lord Jesus," the tune is there. It's as if the two were never separate.

This the power of hymns, though, isn't it? The power of text and music together, the power of singing our faith.

Ashley Danyew | Doxology Press - Doxology

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

These prints are for people of all ages and walks of life. For those who sit in the back of the church, singing softly and taking in the words. For those who hum these tunes as they go about their day. For those who have committed the words to memory and take comfort and solace in their promise. For those who sing and lead worship on Sundays. For those who are searching for something more.

I hope they bring a smile to your face, hope for your soul, joy for the journey, and a song to your heart and the hearts of those you share them with.

Love, Ashley

These prints (and a few more not pictured!) are now available for pre-order in the new Doxology Press Shop! All orders will ship by September 1, 2014.