getting organized

A to Z: Must-Haves for Your Choir Room and Rehearsals

A to Z: Must-Haves for Your Choir Room and Rehearsals

It’s back-to-school season, which means it’s time for all things Fall, new school supplies, and the start of a new choir year. 

If you’re a planner, like me, and you like things to be organized, you probably spent some time this summer cleaning out choir folders and boxes, straightening up counters and rearranging chairs, getting the piano tuned, and planning music for the Fall and Christmas. You may have even spruced up your choir room a bit, with a new bulletin board, fresh whiteboard markers, and a blank calendar.

What’s missing?

Well, whether you’re working with an adult choir, a youth choir, or a children’s choir, there are a few things every choir room (and rehearsal) should have. Here’s my must-have list, from A to Z:

Taxes for Freelancers - Part I

Ashley Danyew | Taxes for Freelancers

I'm excited to share this post with you today, the first in a mini series on taxes for freelancers.

I know, taxes are super fun and exciting, but as a freelancer, it's part of managing your own small business.

SD and I have been doing our own taxes for more than five years now, and, while we don't consider ourselves experts by any means, there are a few things we've learned along the way. I'll be sharing a little bit of our process in upcoming posts.

To get us started, I pulled together five helpful resources on where to begin and getting organized (always a good refresher, even if you've been doing your own taxes for a few years now!):

1. How to Do Your Taxes if You're a Freelancer
2. Tax Filing Tips for Freelancers and Bloggers
3. Tax Tips for Self-Employed Professionals, Freelancers and Contractors
4. Freelance Taxes #1: The Basics of Getting Started and Preparing Your Taxes
5. Tax Advice for Freelancers in 2014

Do you do your own taxes? What are some of the things you've learned as a freelancer?