
Six New Anthems for Your Children's Choir

Six New Anthems for Your Children's Choir

Each year, I spend some time looking through the new choral releases: studying the scores and listening to recordings. Then, I curate my favorites for you here on the blog.

Today, I’m sharing six new anthem releases for unison/opt. 2-part choirs—several with optional instrumental parts, which creates opportunities to include other musicians, perhaps from your congregation. I’ll also tell you about a brand-new graded curriculum option for Fall 2022 (for those of you looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one resource) with a theme that really resonates in our world today.

I hope you find something you love for your children’s choir this year!

2019 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

2019 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

Looking for new anthem ideas for your choir? You’ve come to the right place.

This month, I’m sharing my top “Reading Session Picks” for church choirs (see my 18 anthem recommendations for Adult Choir + more to come).

Today, I’m sharing 10 new anthems for children's choirs (my favorites from all the ones I reviewed!).

The anthems on this list include opportunities for developing part-singing within your choir and adding in other instruments: handbells or handchimes and hand drum. I’ve said it before, but adding instruments to your choir anthems is a great way to develop musical independence, help develop your choir’s listening skills, and create a memorable and meaningful worship experience for all involved.

I know that not every piece on this list will work for your choir, but I hope you find at least one anthem you love.

"Immortal Love, Forever Full" and 15 More Anthems for Holy Week

"Immortal Love, Forever Full" and 15 More Anthems for Holy Week

Holy Week is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. It’s the time in the church year when we remember the Last Supper, Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, the betrayal, the denial, the crucifixion.

Some churches have several Holy Week services: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil. Others alternate between having a Maundy Thursday service one year and a Good Friday service the next. Still others have one combined Holy Week service that touches on all the events of the week: the Last Supper, Jesus praying in the Garden, and the Crucifixion.

Last year, I shared my service outline for a combined Holy Week service that incorporated music, art, and poetry. I used symbols to guide us through the events of the week: Light, Water, Table, Garden, Courtyard, Cross, Darkness. Download a copy for free here.

2017 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

2017 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

Last week, I shared my top 12 reading session picks for adult choir; today, I'm sharing my favorites from this year’s Choristers' Guild reading session - lots of good music to consider for your choir this year!

Some of these anthems are new this year; others have been around for a while, but are worth considering, if you don't already have them in your library. I especially loved the ones that include optional rhythm or choir chime parts, as this is a great way to get more children involved and incorporate another dimension of music-making into your rehearsals.

Even if the anthem doesn't call for it, this is a relatively easy way to tailor a piece to your group and resources. Pull out part of the piano accompaniment (the bass line or perhaps the notes that fall on downbeats in the melody line) and add bells or chimes. Create a simple rhythmic ostinato pattern to accompany one of the verses, or give a few children triangles or finger cymbals to play during an interlude. Be creative!

Top 50 Favorite Anthems for Youth Choir

Top 50 Favorite Anthems for Youth Choir

I've written several posts like this one with anthem recommendations for the small church choir (here and here) and children's choirs (here), but today's post is specifically for youth choirs. Youth are often looking for life-changing experiences - things that will empower them. Choir and the music you sing can offer words and meaning to go with those experiences. Look carefully at the text, listen for beauty and singability in the musical lines, and look for teachable moments (life, faith, and music).

The anthems in this post range from unison/2-part to SATB, depending on the age of your singers, size of your choir, and their ability to sing in parts. The nice thing is, many of these anthems are available in a variety of different voicings (marked with *), so you have a little more flexibility! 

Here are my top 50 anthems for youth choir: